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Statistics of page views

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Page counter (total) 3: Hits since the article was created until today. (Sum of columns 4 and 5)
Page counter (until) 4: Hits since creation of the article until 31.12. last year (column 3 minus column 5)
Page counter (2024) 5: Hits since the beginning of the year until today. (column 3 minus column 4)
Page counter (estimated) 6: Hits of the current year (column 5) extrapolated to the end of the year.
Page length 7: Calculated text length without footnotes, internal and external links, without citations.
Status 8: see “Report status” to get more information.
IdPage titlePage counter (total)Page counter (until 31.12.2023)Page counter (2024)Page counter (estimated)Page lengthStatus
39WikiMANNia15 01314 0609531 0714 613Too few hits
96Audio e video5 9205 038882991978Text too short and too few hits
54Weblinks8 2827 5197638582 696Too few hits
357A Voice for Men6 6966 0656317095 083Too few hits
188Wikipedia8 1127 7823303718 744Too few hits
237Donna5 7835 47930434236Text too short and too few hits
238Uomo5 6565 35430233978Text too short and too few hits
177Bambini5 0174 73628131638Text too short and too few hits
334Genderismo3 4473 189258290818Text too short and too few hits
331Mascolinità2 8602 61824227251Text too short and too few hits
153Antifemminismo Mondiale5 9585 7312272551 543Text too short and too few hits
103Magazine Italiano AntiFemminista5 4765 267209235584Text too short and too few hits
149Femminismo5 2325 0252072332 098Too few hits
330Femminilità2 5942 39519922452Text too short and too few hits
424Marco Biagini2 3452 151194218947Text too short and too few hits
247Guido Barilla6 1405 9601802022 347Too few hits
308Violenza3 1512 973178200699Text too short and too few hits
310Violenza della donna2 4742 297177199101Text too short and too few hits
119Interessengemeinschaft Antifeminismus8 0957 9191761986 188Too few hits
422Stop Invasione1 8311 656175197460Text too short and too few hits
269Movimento maschile3 7903 615175197145Text too short and too few hits
364Dizionario2 4172 247170191129Text too short and too few hits
452Lady Gaga730563167188817Text too short and too few hits
433Santiago Gascó Altaba976812164184408Text too short and too few hits
173Critiche al femminismo3 9913 827164184122Text too short and too few hits
368Fiat Money2 1471 984163183185Text too short and too few hits
332Misoginia2 5922 429163183114Text too short and too few hits
267Diritto di famiglia2 9822 819163183101Text too short and too few hits
222Lorena Bobbitt3 0752 913162182165Text too short and too few hits
127Wieviel "Gleichberechtigung" verträgt das Land?9 2279 0671601806 928Too few hits
324Parentela7 0496 8891601804 629Too few hits
190Politicamente corretto2 9592 799160180132Text too short and too few hits
340Movimento femminile2 4462 287159179145Text too short and too few hits
180Divorzio3 9853 82715817872Text too short and too few hits
365Fiat Lux3 4653 3091561751 358Text too short and too few hits
322Adulterio3 3473 192155174130Text too short and too few hits
240Famiglia3 5363 382154173332Text too short and too few hits
325Concubinato5 0084 8581501691 492Text too short and too few hits
226Misandria3 1092 962147165302Text too short and too few hits
318Alimenti3 3993 25614316183Text too short and too few hits
319Adozione3 1483 006142160164Text too short and too few hits
353Aitzaz Hassan Bangash3 1853 0441411587 105Too few hits
97Antifemminismo4 6444 503141158114Text too short and too few hits
178Matrimonio3 7923 65313915663Text too short and too few hits
314Violenza domestica2 4972 36413314998Text too short and too few hits
245Barilla Pasta5 9085 7781301462 547Too few hits
145FemokratieBlog4 1784 0481301462 060Too few hits
320Capofamiglia3 2773 14713014643Text too short and too few hits
248Falsa accusa1 9481 82012814488Text too short and too few hits
315Violenza sessuale2 2972 17312413956Text too short and too few hits

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